去年报了名的standard charted marathon突然不能参加,我冒冒然找了pm1 ronnie帮我卖bib,今年,我为了参加standard charted fun run,再次冒冒然,找了julie wong帮我找交通。Captain说他真是服了我,说真的,我也被自己炸到。
话说,我一直都盼望Aunty Moey会带我们去,毕竟她说不肯定嘛。再来是Ah Loh说她会驾车,只是不懂路,那只是小问题啦。结果这一切,都在比赛前两天有了答案…ah loh不能驾车,aunty confirm with me that she wont go.所以,当我在fb寻求援助之际,看到julie wong,就敢敢的问她去。虽然她肯定是不认识我这个小卒女,但却帮我找到了一个可以给我carpool的sharon。
尤其aunty moey,萍水相逢,却总是帮我们utm的runner.
最后的·最后…our ex utm kakithoner——yong han(now is alumni kakithoner =p) fetch wei xiang and I go for the race..wohoo…!!!that is so so great! Really so happy when get of this news at 8hours before the race.去一个race,感动如此之多,当我消极的对人的冷漠自私感到失望时,感谢主,这一切温暖了我的心。我会紧紧记着这一切。莉婷宣告,我也要成为他人的祝福~
Ok,back to the main topic! After so long I din join any races at kl, this 重出江湖的 race was fantastic!wow! after we park our car,we spend around 20min to walk and find the location of that race ,dun see wei xiang leg not long,huh,I ikut belakang until so penat yet he look like walk until very 轻松~
Jironi, ghantimati, karthik them, all come for this race..wah..so long time din see so many 强脚聚集一堂,兴混~ and very happy to meet the 16 years old gal jie lie who I know her at green run jb here too.
The run gone smooth….smooth… this time.. I found out that I got 终点被potong掉的恐惧感,不知为何~
Thanks God, I manage to get no7 (around 25min) belakang jessica AGAIN.. Erm..i feel so thankful, got some amazing feel..it is so unexpected..thanks God for the strength that He had given to me!
努力后,是时候去have some fun le!yo! haha..here got a lot of fun game! 其中一个,骑斗牛的机器上,斗牛会把你甩跌在充气坛上的,我成功战到时间完毕,哦椰!~(秘诀在于,不可以硬抓紧绳子,而是身体要跟着斗牛摆动).接着,他们等我领奖。再过后,我们为了等I phones and ipads的幸运抽奖,被逼听有些歌手在台上鬼喊,不过有些歌手,真是实力派的!如ning baizura,超棒!
吃了个wei xiang带来很赞的walnut bun后,yong han 载我们去putra sentral搭巴士~